Few waiting lists, but many social differences. Now Bulgaria’s healthcare is looking to Europe

Antoniya Dimova, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Public Health in Varna, and member of the expert network of the WHO Barcelona Office, highlights the strengths and vulnerabilities of Bulgarian healthcare

The health service of our French cousins: an excellence worth 12% of GDP (vs. our 6%)

The French health system provides coverage for all residents and is considered among the most efficient in Europe. However, the country faces significant challenges, including a shortage of healthcare workers and rising obesity rates

Vandenbroucke: «UE have taken charge of the problem of medicine shortages»

Interviewed by TrendSanità, the Belgian Minister of Health and Social Affairs spoke about the major challenges that the European Union has in front of it regarding healthcare: in addition to the use of data (for which an agreement was reached at mid-March), drug and personnel shortages, pharmaceutical reform and artificial intelligence